Tuesday, April 23, 2013

And we walk...

Yesterday was my first 'training walk' with my team... and it was amazing! I have been feeling really good the last week and so walking just felt good.  I have been really struggling with the side effects of my new diagnosis and so being able to do something as simple as walk felt really rewarding.

We take simple things for grated... for me, walking was one of those things.  Being out in the fresh air with my friends was so relaxing and fun.

Our team was one short... we missed our sweet Sammi, but I had my amazing friend, Natalia from California here with me all weekend, so she walked with us too.

I can't wait for our next walk!  I won't be walking with our team for 2 weeks because we are off on holiday! We are going on a fun Disney Cruise for 8 days!  I will certainly be thinking of my team as they walk though.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Update for you all...

This update is going to be a long one... I got lots to tell you all!  Now is your chance to go grab a cup of tea or coffee and get comfortable!  
Many of you have been wondering what is going on with me and my cancer recently.  I have pretty much been off the radar with updates to give my family and I time to process!
I'm sure you all remember me talking about me having vertigo and just generally feeling extremely dizzy and light-headed etc.  Well, I do not have vertigo.  I have kept my change of health very quiet the last 3 weeks because I do not want a huge fuss.
Things here took a turn for the worse on Monday 1st April... 
While we were in California visiting Jason's family, I felt really bad and called my doctor and she scheduled me a brain scan for as soon as we got home... well, that Monday we found out that the cancer has spread!  The cancer is throughout my brain... there are lesions throughout my brain.  I have one large lesion in the back of my brain that has been pressing on the tube that provides the brain with the fluid it needs.  They gave me steroids straight away to relieve the symptoms and they really helped, within a few hours actually. 
I have been having whole brain Radiotherapy for the last 3 weeks to help shrink the lesions and to stop some of the symptoms I am feeling. I feel so much better. I actually feel pretty much normal again.  I am able to walk properly, I am not dizzy, I am even able to drive again!  Yay!  
We met with my new Brain Oncologist last Tuesday to talk about what happens now that I am done with Radiation.  I will be meeting with her once a month to check in and make sure that my symptoms are still holding back and in 3 months I will have another brain scan to see what's going on. I know you are all thinking... 'What? No scan for 3 months?' but I don't need a scan... there is nothing to check yet!   I had no idea, but the Radiation keeps working over time so once I reached my prescribed dose of Radiation, I just get on with things and let it do it's job and kick these lesions butts!  
My doctor is already very encouraged that the Radiation is working because my side effects are so much better and we are already reducing my steroids dosage.  I am already at a quarter of the original dosage.  She also told us that there is a good chance that the Radiation could even kick the cancer out of my brain! 
I will also meet with my normal oncologist in May so we can get my chemo going again to keep the lung lesions at bay too!  It's all go, go, go here!
As you can imagine, the last 3 weeks have been extremely stressful and busy with daily trips to hospital, lots of sleeping and naps as well as just coping emotionally with the news.
We are extremely hopeful and encouraged that the Radiotherapy will help, but we are ultimately facing the end of our battle.  Once the cancer gets to the brain, it is only a matter of time till our life changes drastically.  We are planning on living our lives as normally as possible until things change...  We have no idea what our time line is and I don't want to know... I don't want to live the rest of my life with a ticking clock.
We are heading off on a Disney Cruise in 3 days time and we are so excited... We can't wait for 8 days in the sun with each other, just relaxing and making memories together.  We had the trip planned with some great friends of ours before we found out the news, but now it has turned into a very special trip.  We invited my Mum and Dad to join us, as well as Jason's sister and her husband and eldest son. We also have some other great friends joining us now too... I can't wait!
I want to take a few minutes to THANK a few people for their support the last 3 weeks.  Our families have, as you can imagine, been amazing beyond words.  I can only imagine hearing this news as a mother or father... but my parents have been so strong... their support and love gets me through each day.  
My friends, you know who you all are, have been my life line.  They have driven me to the hospital every day, bought us dinners, looked after Kayle, watched me cry, hugged me, made me laugh and generally loved on me... words cannot express the thankfulness I feel for each and every one of you!
Throughout all of this, God has given me the most amazing sense of peace.  I know that this is all happening for a reason, I may never know that reason, but I am OK with it... Jason is OK with it... we have accepted that this is the plan for our lives.  We have always trusted the Lord with our lives and will continue to do so as we continue on this path.
Please pray that I continue to feel good, especially while we are on the cruise.  Please pray that we have a great trip.  Please pray for safe travels and good health while we are away.  But mostly, please pray for healing and continued peace for me and my family.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Walking the Walk!

What can I say... I LOVE THESE LADIES!

This weekend was our first training walk and no matter what the weather, my AMAZING, wonderful, team walked!  I am still not feeling 100% so was unable to walk, but my team got together, put on their training shoes and walked and ran for me!

Location #1: North Bend.  Weather: Rain, wind, snow, more rain.  
Terrain:  local trail full of mud!  Miles: Approx 6.
The local ladies took a lovely walk Saturday along a local trail.  The weather wasn't very nice, but they said they had fun anyway!

Sunday, the weather was nicer!  They got to walk in the sunshine!  Yay!
Total miles walked this weekend... about 6 miles!
So proud of the team!  Can't wait to walk with you ladies next weekend!

Location #2: Orange County, California  Weather: Sun, sun and more sun!  
Terrain:  local trail run  KM: 10.
Down in Southern California the weather was a little different for one team member!  My amazing sister Jesi ran a 10K with her friends!  They have all been training recently, but Jesi did this run for The Faithful Fighters!

I have the BEST, most supportive team members EVER and I LOVE them all so much!  I am so grateful that the Lord has given me such an amazing group of women to walk with!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Another fun new addition... we are growing... Meet Mandy!

Meet the newest member of The Faithful Fighters... Mandy!

Mandy is one of Jesi 's oldest friends... they have been buddies since back in Arizona days... that's a while!

Mandy is sooo fun!  She lives not too far from us, in Portland (OK, kind of far!) but has always been a wonderful friend to Jesi.  Mandy is a great laugh and fun to be around and we are so excited that she has decided to join our team and walk the walk with us!

I can't believe our team is still growing... we are going to have the biggest, best team EVER!  

Friday, April 5, 2013

Get to know... our latest addition... my Sister, Jesi

Meet my amazing Sister!  
I have 2 amazing brothers whom I love very much, but I always wanted a sister.  What girl doesn't want a sister to argue with over clothes and shoes and the hair straighteners!

Jesi is without a doubt one of the most crazy, fun, silly, loving people I know... she is super cool and stylish and I just love her to pieces.  I love to watch her pick outfits and shoes, I love to see what wonderfully creative design she comes up with next for her business but most of all, I just love sitting and hanging out and chatting with her.  We could sit in silence for hours, but still have fun... we could get really silly with a camera and have fun... pretty much, anything we do, we have fun!

Jesi and her wonderfully talented husband, Ryan got married just 6 months after Jason and I... she was my bridesmaid.  Kayle was born on her wedding anniversary and Jesi was there to help me through my first birth... I found out my cancer had come back the day her daughter was born... we are connected, in so many ways!

There really aren't any words to fully explain the love I have for Jesi... she is just absolutely wonderful and I couldn't have prayed for a better sister!

I am so excited that she is going to be flying in for the weekend to join us on our walk... it's going to be off the hook silly!!