What can I say... I LOVE THESE LADIES!
This weekend was our first training walk and no matter what the weather, my AMAZING, wonderful, team walked! I am still not feeling 100% so was unable to walk, but my team got together, put on their training shoes and walked and ran for me!
Location #1: North Bend. Weather: Rain, wind, snow, more rain.
Terrain: local trail full of mud! Miles: Approx 6.
The local ladies took a lovely walk Saturday along a local trail. The weather wasn't very nice, but they said they had fun anyway!
Sunday, the weather was nicer! They got to walk in the sunshine! Yay!
Total miles walked this weekend... about 6 miles!
So proud of the team! Can't wait to walk with you ladies next weekend!
So proud of the team! Can't wait to walk with you ladies next weekend!
Location #2: Orange County, California Weather: Sun, sun and more sun!
Terrain: local trail run KM: 10.
Down in Southern California the weather was a little different for one team member! My amazing sister Jesi ran a 10K with her friends! They have all been training recently, but Jesi did this run for The Faithful Fighters!
I have the BEST, most supportive team members EVER and I LOVE them all so much! I am so grateful that the Lord has given me such an amazing group of women to walk with!
Awesome! I didn't know there was a picture taken of me and Bacca, we were wet, cold, but happy guest members.